EveryBODY belongs!
Tuesday 6:30- 7:30pm REFIT®
Wednesday 6:00- 7:00pm REV+FLOW ®
Saturday 9:00-10:00am REFIT®
(classes are free, donations accepted)
For more information,
contact Michelle Morgan (440)537–0772
Follow us on Facebook "Hearts 4 REFIT-Brunswick"
Follow us on Facebook "Hearts 4 REFIT-Brunswick"
You can also learn more about REFIT® and REV+FLOW® at and "refitrev" on YouTube!

*Please bring 2 – 3 lb. weights & mat
*Playlist remains the same for 3 months at a time but,
you are welcome to join us at any time
*Any fitness level is welcome as modifications
can be made for certain movements
Come join us and let’s turn “Try into Triumph” together!
Look forward to seeing you there!